Sunday, August 7, 2011

Odd ramblings

My youngest daughter has a coughing/cold virus and so she's sleeping w/ us.  I don't really understand why.  Last night I could see, because she was coughing really bad, and had a low grade fever.  But, tonight, she seems to be on the mend.  Other than the droopy eyes.  Not even a lot of coughing.

Anyway, that's not why I'm typing this.  Here's why.  I'm laying here in my bed, checking my email on my laptop, and E. is laying next to me w/ her stuffed dog Honey and her blankie and she can't fall asleep.  She wanted the light on, then she wanted it off.  She wanted my laptop to go away.  Then she started talking and talking.  I told her to be quiet and she told me to "Shh"!  Then she started singing.  Row Row Row Your Boat; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; The Alphabet, and then she FINALLY fell asleep!  How funny though that she didn't cry because she couldn't fall asleep, or whine.  She just amused herself and got herself to sleep!  I LOVE IT!!!!

On to the next child!  My oldest is a pretty smart kid.  He's very smart in math, and has common sense, which will take him far in life!  But yesterday he astounded me!  I was trying to get E. off the porch and J. was doing something on the sidewalk and he said, "Mom, are you going to acknowledge me?"  How smart that he knows what that word means and knows the context!

And then there's my sweet O.  She is my little comedian!  She has my sense of humor, which I love to see!  I laugh at everything, and I think a lot of stuff is funny or humorous, and she's the same way!  Even J. will crack up over something that I say that he wasn't expecting me to say!  They are funny kids!