Monday, November 21, 2011

"I'm gon! I mean it! I hop your happy!"

The title just says it all!  My wonderful, sweet, loving son got mad at us tonight because we both yelled at him for two different things.  He wouldn't get in the shower, and my husband yelled 4 times to get in there, and in the end, sent him to bed without a bath.  Then, he wanted to be tucked in, and he wouldn't go, and was dilly dallying and so I yelled at him.

So, about 10 minutes goes by, and a paper airplane lands on my desk.  It says, "I'm gon.  I'm leaving.  I hop your happy!  I'm going to live with Mimi and Papa.  I mean it!"  It was just so sweet!  I love that he felt that way, it will undoubtedly help him when he's an adult.  Although right now, it's a bit misplaced!  So, we had to admonish the behavior.  I said to him, "What if I told you one day that I was tired of being a mom?  That I just said, I'm gone! and went to the beach by myself.  How would that make you feel?"  He said that he would be sad, and I told him that that's how we are feeling.  I told him that he broke our hearts.

He came downstairs and said that he thought about it and he's sorry.  He's just SO darn sweet!  I can't stand it!!!!  I told him that there are going to be a lot of people yelling at him throughout his life.  Us, coaches, bosses, etc., he can't get upset and want to leave every time someone says a cross word!  It turns out, that he was upset because I was joking around w/ the girls as I was tucking them in, but I didn't do that w/ him.  I actually didn't have a chance to do that, because he wouldn't go to bed for me to tuck him in first!  He bowed his head sheepishly when I told him!  Poor kid!!!!  Now I feel bad!!!!