Thursday, November 8, 2012

School Conferences

Tonight we visited our children's classrooms and had discussions w/ their teachers.  We received great reports!  Which makes us happy that we seem to be doing an ok job of raising our kids!  Personality quirks that we need to work on, but overall, we have smart kids who are respectful to others, participate in class and are overall good kids!  :D

Since we visited each of the older kids' schools, E. kept asking to go to HER school!  She's in 2 day preschool.  She kept saying that we have to go to her classroom and talk to her teacher.  She was SO mad when we drove home without driving to her school!  Haha!

J. and O. were reminiscing about their preschool days, and singing songs that they learned then, on the way home.  J. said that he remembers playing the dumbbells.  I said to him, "Um, don't you mean the hand bells?!"  He burst out laughing!  So funny!