Friday, June 3, 2011

My Baby is 2!!!

Yesterday, June 3rd, my baby turned 2! I can't believe it! I feel like I just came home w/ a new baby! And now that baby has become her own person! It's amazing to see the changes happening before my eyes!
Here are some things that she can do now!  Come on, I have to brag!  ;)

1.  She can sing the alphabet!
2.  And Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!
3. And catch the melody of any song that you sing to her!
4.  If you take a toy from her, watch out!  The hands start swinging, and the face gets dark and angry!
5.  She completely feeds herself now!
6.  Her favorite word is NO!  Even when she means yes!
7.  She loves her stuffed dog Goggie, and takes him everywhere!  He's as tall as she is!
8.  She can dress herself (I still dress her, but she likes to take her clothes off and put something SHE picked out on) and can put shoes on herself (wrong feet!)!
9.  She does not like to go barefoot in the grass, or get dirty.
10.  She is very opinionated, and will let you know if she likes or doesn't like something!  (Example: my dress one day for church.  She told me it was a cute dress!)
11.  She likes to think she's as old as her brother and sister and can do everything that they can do!
12.  She can count to 10 and can sometimes count backwards, but you really have to coax that part.
13.  She is VERY verbal, however, most often, she just goes back to No. 6!
14.  She LOVES to watch Sprout on tv, and can recognize shows immediately.
15.  When watching tv and cruising through the channels, she knows what channel Spongebob is on.  I don't know how she does it.  O. can do that too.  And she can't read either!  LOL!
16.  When we don't march to her orders, she'll pull our clothing and say, " 'O mere, Mommy!" (Come here).  Or, she calls us by name!  That's always nice that our 2 year old knows our given names instead of just Mommy and Daddy!
17.  She doesn't just walk, she runs, climbs, scoots, crawls, jumps, and dances her way through life!
18.  Anytime she hears music, anytime, she starts dancing!
19.  She loves and adores her PaPa!  Hero worship to the extreme!  ;)
20.  She knows how to rhyme!  She breaks out w/ "Uncle Brian cryin' " all the time!  Who knows where that one came from!

And now you know a little bit more about our darling daughter of 2!

E., we love you to pieces!  Cut the attitude a little bit, and we'll have a nice easy childhood!  (I'm not holding my breath!)